Monday 9 March 2009


I will always remember the Barcelona Olympics in 1992, because of Freddie Mercury singing "Barcelonaaa" just before he died. I was a big Queen fan, so I guess it stuck in my brain as the ultimate Olympic power song.
Due to my belief that all Olympics should have a power theme I have compiled a selection of songs that I feel could represent us Londoners and pump up the athletes.

Everybody knows that the Eastenders theme is hot fire, but it also will serve as a reminder to the people of 2012 that there were communities and culture, underneath the massive stadiums and rampant gentrification that the Olympics forced upon the east end. But to be honest Stratford has nothing really going for it anyway.

Or we could have Gerry Rafferty's ode to one of Londons most dull streets. Just because nearly everybody on the planet likes this song.

Or London Posse could perform hows life in London over and over again whilst relaxing on lilos in the diving pool.


lunch said...

jesus balls that gerry rafferty song is good.

lunch said...

jesus balls that gerry rafferty song is good.

The Thick Repeater said...

Well said videotime.

I'd go for the Eastenders theme though, I like the idea of Twatcunt Boris plodding along with Paula Radcliffe to the most banal tune of all time.